Acupuncture is a more than 2,000 year old treatment modality that uses super-fine acupuncture needles placed into specific acupuncture points in the body to regulate and move qi, blood and fluids of the entire body. Both Chinese and Japanese Meridian styles are effective in their own ways, but the main difference for patients is mostly that Japanese style needling tends to remain more on the surface of the body whereas Chinese needling can go deeper. Healing Feeling does both styles depending on the patient’s needs.
Moxibustion (Moxa)
Moxa involves burning dried chinese mugwort (moxa) over areas of the body or specific acupuncture points. Moxa can come in various forms like pole moxa, loose moxa cones or rice grain, and needle moxa. Moxa is a warming process that most patients find very soothing and can be used to decrease pain and inflammation. This therapy is very effective as a supplement or standalone treatment and relatively gentle for needle-shy patients.
Herbal Medicine
Free herbal consults are included in treatment prices if herbs are indicated for each individual’s needs. Actual prices of herbs are not included in treatment prices and can vary depending on your needs and size of herbal formula. Each formula is personalized based on each individual’s condition and diagnosis and will sometimes change based on the healing journey of the patient. Herbs can come in raw, tincture, powdered or pill form.
Point Injection Therapy
Point Injection Therapy combines the ancient wisdom of acupuncture with modern therapeutic techniques to deliver powerful, targeted relief. By injecting small amounts of natural substances—such as vitamins, minerals, or homeopathic solutions—directly into specific acupuncture points, this treatment enhances the body’s natural healing process. Ideal for addressing pain, inflammation, and chronic conditions, point injection therapy is a safe and effective solution for those seeking holistic, long-lasting results.
Microneedling is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive treatment that rejuvenates your skin by stimulating natural collagen production. Using tiny, precise needles, this therapy improves skin texture, reduces fine lines, and minimizes scars, leaving you with a radiant, youthful glow. Pairing microneedling with point injection therapy takes your results to the next level by infusing your skin with nourishing serums, vitamins, or natural remedies, enhancing healing and hydration.
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral manipulation is a gentle specialized technique that focuses on gently assessing and enhancing the mobility and functionality of internal organs aiming to alleviate restrictions and imbalances in the visceral system, promoting improved organ function and enhancing circulation. It can be beneficial for chronic pain, and pelvic and digestive issues, by accessing the internal connections of the body's internal structures.
Cupping Therapy
Glass or silicone cups are suctioned onto the body via heat or pressure helping to stimulate blood flow, fluids and qi in the area. This helps detoxify the body and bring circulation into areas of blockage. Most patients enjoy this treatment and equate it to the feeling of a deep tissue massage. Oftentimes, if an individual is stagnant in certain areas, they will have circular marks left on their body for a few days that will eventually fade.
Scraping technique done with a base oil that can help detoxify the body and disperse musculoskeletal pain. Light guasha techniques can also be applied to face and neck to reduce lines and wrinkles.
Shiatsu, Tuina, Acupressure
All three of these modalities involve the practitioner stimulating points and meridians with their hands on the patient’s body to elicit relaxation and pain relief. These treatments are similar to massage and are often used for a wide range of conditions. These can be great alternative treatment methods for children or needle-shy patients.
Qi Gong & Rehabilitative Exercises
A movement or exercise may be given to you at the end of your session to help prevent stagnation in your body and to keep qi and blood circulating throughout your entire body, often helping to minimize relapses of pain.
Dietary Advice
Traditional Chinese food therapy advice is based on individual Chinese medical diagnosis and constitutions. This often differs from Western nutritional advice and takes into account your constitution as well as lifestyle factors.
A gentle set of exercises and movements performed by the practitioner to help bring your body into balance, free up restrictions and retrain your brain’s relationship to pain.