Acupuncture & Herbs 101
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a more than 2,000 year old treatment modality that uses hair thin acupuncture needles placed into specific acupuncture points in the body to regulate and move qi, blood and fluids of the entire body. It can help restore internal homeostasis and assist in modulating your central nervous system.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Acupuncture is very safe when performed by a licensed acupuncturist. The needles used are sterile needles used only once then discarded and licensed acupuncturists have years of training to make sure you are safe.
Is Acupuncture Painful?
The acupuncture needles are quite small and thin, and are virtually painless. In fact, the acupuncture needles are so thin, that up to 18 acupuncture needles can fit into 1 hypodermic needle. When getting needled, you will often feel a tiny pinch going through the skin, then you can either feel no sensations or sensations that are dull, achey, radiating, or a feeling of pressure; all of which are referred to as “De Qi” sensation. “De Qi” sensations, meaning “arriving at Qi”, are sensations that promote the positive therapeutic responses in your body. Most patients find acupuncture incredibly relaxing.
Will there be any pain or bruising after the treatment?
Sometimes there is residual bruising around the site of the needle that often clears up within a matter of days. If you are getting cupping, there are often circular marks left on your body which often indicate stagnation in your body. The darker the marks the more stagnation is in your body.
Are there any side effects when taking herbs?
Much like taking a new medication, there is always a chance of having side effects when taking herbs. If this does occur, it is often far more mild than side effects from any pharmacologic prescriptions. I keep in contact with my patients when giving them formulas to make sure we are on the right track to support their healing. I often only prescribe formulas for one to two weeks at a time, because when healing takes place, bodies will change as well, therefore formulas need to reflect those changes and herbs will be removed or modified to fit the patient's needs at that exact moment in time.